Landfills in the Headwaters to the Ohio often take fracking waste that percolates through the soil and comes out in the landfill’s leachate. In some cases, this leachate is sent to a local sewage treatment plant that is not designed to remove heavy metals.
EPA is seeking to learn more about new and emerging technologies and alternative methodologies for regulating emissions from municipal solid waste landfills. In October EPA opened a non-regulatory docket to gather input on ways we can streamline, improve, and harmonize the current suite of emissions regulations that cover these sources. As part of this effort, EPA has developed a series of white papers on new and emerging technologies, alternative approaches to regulating landfill emissions, and landfill work practice methodologies that may assist with future rulemaking.
Please take time to read the white papers (links below) and provide comments by January 23, 2025.
EPA encourages all interested parties, including technology developers, landfill operators, communities with environmental justice concerns, environmental justice leaders, environmental groups, and state, local, and Tribal air agencies, to provide input and comments on the white papers in the non-regulatory docket. Note that EPA does not intend to provide individual responses to each comment received. The Agency will provide a separate opportunity for public comment on any future proposed rulemaking(s) for municipal solid waste landfills through a formal comment period announced in the Federal Register.