Appalachian Flood Policy Webinar – Thu. Dec. 12, noon – Register!

We’ve all seen the devastating effects that increased flooding is having on our region.   Each year the summer/fall hurricanes and rains impact a different part of the Appalachian mountains.  This year the Headwaters to the Ohio had a drought…but we have all heard of the devastating effects of the flooding in the mountains to the south.

Now is the time to get active to protect our communities from these repeated impacts!

Thursday, December 12th at 12 pm ET via Zoom – Take action to strengthen flood resilience together with the Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center, ReImagine Appalachia, and the National Wildlife Federation!

Together with our partners, ReImagine Appalachia has identified top community needs and developed a four-pronged approach to tackle the worst impacts of flooding. Join the conversation on how to execute all four!

Pillar I: Increase local and state capacity to respond and recover
Pillar II: Relieve the recovery and mitigation burden for low-income households
Pillar III: Improve flood mapping and data inputs
Pillar IV: Invest in Nature-Based Hazard Mitigation

Join the noontime webinar to learn more

Register here
