The Confluence: A Splashing Success in Water Stewardship

The Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Network (the “Water Network”) invites watershed volunteers and stream champions from throughout the Upper Ohio River Basin to the second basin-wide convening of water advocates.

The free celebration and networking picnic, the Confluence at Mingo Creek, A Celebration of Watersheds will take place on September 28, 2024, 11 am to 3 pm, at Pavilion No. 5 in Mingo Creek Park in Washington County.  The picnic BBQ will be provided by HogFathers BBQ of Monongahela, PA.

Through hands-on activities and participation attendees will learn popular tools for watershed stewardship and celebrate the dedication and hard work of volunteers.  The gathering is a wonderful opportunity to relax connect with fellow volunteers, enjoy the great outdoors, and engage in programs that support watershed learning, advocacy, and assessments. 

The program starts promptly at 11 am and the picnic includes activities that support the work of watershed volunteers and stream stewards.

There will be a panel highlighting how watersheds are helping watersheds through coalitions and mentoring.  Speakers include John Wenzel of the Conemaugh Valley Conservancy, Tali MacArthur of the Pennsylvania Organization of Watersheds and Rivers, and leaders from the Washington County Watershed Alliance, and West Virginia Rivers.  This panel will also solicit good governance and resource sharing ideas and recommendations to streamline the work of volunteer stream stewards through good governance.

Most of the day will be for attendees to directly engage in activities of monitoring, learning, and sharing that can be taken back to local watersheds throughout the Upper Ohio River Basin.

A selection of activities include:

For instance, the artist group, Creative for the Climate, will have their climate playground kit of activities

  • The Shenango Climate and Rural Environmental Study Team (SCREST) will have their “Climate Cards” and demonstrate them as a tool to learn more about and spark conversation about climate change across the Basin;
  • The Creatives for the Climate will bring the Climate Playground kit of activities for kids and their adults to directly engage with what impacts watersheds and streams.
  • The Washington County Conservation District and the Penn State Watershed Steward Program will lead a Macroinvertebrate hike to the adjacent stream, and the Conemaugh Valley Conservancy, and the Blacklick Creek Watershed Association will provide microscopes to view specimans.
  • The Izaac Walton League, Harry Enstrom Chapter, will have saline and nutrient test kits and leaders to demonstrate how to use them. 
  • A “Hall of Knowledge” of programs, funding, and stream assessment tools such as Keep PA Beautiful Waterway Stewards and West Virginia’s Stream Partners programs; and,
  • The Water Network itself will share and demonstrate its visual Watershed Directory
  • Information on the Ohio River Restoration Plan and the Basin Alliance’s upcoming Summit in Pittsburgh at the end of October and other organizing events scheduled for early 2025.

Most importantly, the Confluence is an opportunity to thank the volunteers that regularly monitor, steward and track the water quality of our creeks; or lead and assist with volunteer cleanups.  The event connects like-minded individuals and organizations, fostering a strong community dedicated to water stewardship, and sharing of ideas and strategies participants can implement in their own communities. 

The Confluence at Mingo Creek Planning Group includes the Washington County Conservation District, West Virginia Watershed Network, Pennsylvania Organization of Watersheds and Rivers, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Watershed Manager, Southwestern District, Penn State Extension Watershed Stewards Program, and the Allegheny County Conservation District.

Join us on September 28 to celebrate watersheds and water stewardship and work towards a brighter future for the Upper Ohio River Basin.  Please Register so we can order a correct amount of food and materials.

For media inquiries, please contact:

John Stephen

Strategic Coordinator

Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Network


About the Confluence:

The Confluence is a periodic event organized by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Network ( ) dedicated to promoting water stewardship in the Upper Ohio River Basin. It brings together community members, experts, and stakeholders to discuss innovative solutions and strategies for sustainable water management.

The goals of the Confluence series is to:

  • Increase awareness and participation in the Network;
  • Increase knowledge of best practices, trends, and changes related to the watershed stewardship and our natural resources;
  • Develop new leadership opportunities and action items for the Network;
  • Foster new collaborations and plans among stakeholders to advance natural resource – centered outdoor recreation.

About the Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Network:

The SWPA Water Network ( is a collaborative effort to promote sustainable water management practices and protect the water resources of the Upper Ohio River Basin.  The vision is to create a regional water identity for the region from the Headwaters to the Ohio River by working together with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and community groups.

The Network’s purpose is to promote collaboration, coordination, and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders in the region’s water stewardship community with a culture of transparency, trust, and cooperation among stakeholders.  Sustainable water management requires participation and collaboration among a diverse group of stakeholders, and the Network seeks to create opportunities for all stakeholders to get involved.
