DEP Approves PennEnergy Resources 1.5 Million Gallon/Day Water Withdrawal

DEP Approves PennEnergy Resources 1.5 Million Gallon/Day Water Withdrawal For Shale Gas Drilling From Big Sewickley Creek In Beaver County

On January 29, 2024, the Department of Environmental Protection notified PennEnergy Resources, LLC it had approved their request for a 1.5 million gallon per day water withdrawal and a permit to construct a water intake and temporary aboveground water pipeline from the Big Sewickley Creek in Economy Borough, Beaver County.

On February 13, 2024, DEP notified those who commented on the applications that the PennEnergy request was approved.

DEP also prepared a Comment/Response Document to respond to the comments it received on the applications from 183 commenters.

Of concern to many commenters was the potential impact of the withdrawals on stocked trout and the recreational opportunities in Big Sewickley Creek.

In the Comment/Response Document, DEP quotes the Fish and Boat Commission as saying, “The combination of flow requirements outlined in SIR# 56633 and a proposed maximum withdrawal rate of 2.32 cfs mean that a high proportion (>90%, based on average monthly flow data from the USGS gauge 03086100) of available water will remain in BSC between February and May even if the maximum proposed withdrawal is taking place.

“If approved, PennEnergy Resources (PER) must adhere to strict monitoring and reporting requirements to ensure that no more than 1.5 million gallons of water are withdrawn per day (MGD).